all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 3AR 7 50.759195 -1.537703
SO41 3AS 18 50.759077 -1.537336
SO41 3AT 0 50.758543 -1.536604
SO41 3AU 1 50.758896 -1.537139
SO41 3AW 0 50.758959 -1.537229
SO41 3AX 1 50.758181 -1.536089
SO41 3AY 3 50.759111 -1.53701
SO41 3BA 1 50.760682 -1.538539
SO41 3ET 4 50.758779 -1.536999
SO41 3FQ 0 50.753277 -1.541986
SO41 3NA 0 50.751948 -1.542628
SO41 3NB 0 50.751199 -1.542012
SO41 3ND 0 50.752769 -1.543295
SO41 3NE 0 50.752923 -1.545789
SO41 3NF 0 50.753068 -1.546099
SO41 3NG 0 50.756914 -1.547593
SO41 3NH 0 50.756763 -1.548275
SO41 3NJ 0 50.756485 -1.548334
SO41 3NL 0 50.75632 -1.547585
SO41 3NN 0 50.754258 -1.546901